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Cila Primary School

Ysgol Gynradd Cila

Maths & Numeracy


We are revising time in class next week, ranging from analogue, digital and 24 hour time to reading complex timetables and calculating time intervals. 

Here are some useful websites to practise telling the time: 


Analogue and digital teaching clock

28th January 2022

Area and perimeter 

This week we have been revising area and perimeter. 

We have calculated area and perimeter of rectangles (Area = length x width)

We have also begun to calculate the area of a triangle (Area = (½bh) 

½ x base x height) 

Click on the image below to refresh your memory.

Please find some work below to revise at home. 

21st January 2022

Calculating missing angles

This week we have been calculating missing angles in triangles, on a straight line and at a point. 

We used the following success criteria to help: 

  • Angles in a triangle add up to 180 degrees
  • Angles on a straight line add up to 180 degrees
  • Angles at a point ad up to 360 degrees 
  • Vertically opposite angles are equal

Click on the link below to try some of the activities in the missing angles game


This week we have revising types of angles, measuring angles and drawing angles. 

Click on the link below to access the games on our class resources page to practise at home! 


Next week we will be calculating missing angles using basic algebra. 



Achieving, Building, Celebrating
