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Cila Primary School

Ysgol Gynradd Cila

Class Resources

Diagon Alley Extract


  • Ble est ti’n mynd ar y penwythnos? 
  • Gyda phwy est ti?
  • Beth welaist ti? 
  • Beth fwytaist ti?
  • Beth brynaist ti?
  • Sut oeddet ti’n teimlo?

Exploding Fluid Potion


Snail Race

Click on the snail below to have a go at snail racing!  

Roll the dice, add the scores together to get a total, then click on that number at the left of the race track to move the snail forward one step. The first snail to get to the right of the board is the winner.

Can you predict which snail will win?

There is a space you can type in to the left of each snail's race track. You could use this space to type in your predictions ('First','Second','Third')



Which Hogwarts House is best and why? Read about the traits of each house here, then click on the crest to answer the question.

Create a word search to help you learn your spellings for next week cool

Flowers and their pollinators 



Which Hogwarts House would you be in? Take the quiz to find out!



Story Genres PowerPoint

Origami Butterflies

Paper Flowers 





Wednesday Afternoon

Watch two Youtube videos by clicking on the images below. Consider what life was like for a child working in the coal mines during the Industrial Revolution in the 18th Century. In your topic books, draw a picture of a child doing a job in a coal mine, all around the picture, write down descriptions of how the child may have been feeling, how the child looks, what the child's life may have been like. 

 L.O: To consider what life was like for a child in the coal mine in the 18th Century





Below are some games to help to develop your understanding of using a protractor and measuring angles 



Coal Mining in Wales 





Search engines




How rocks are formed














Achieving, Building, Celebrating
