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Cila Primary School

Ysgol Gynradd Cila

Expressive Arts

Create a work of art based on your favourite beach in Gower. 

You could create a watercolour to emulate the style of Ron Banning, a painting in acrylic with images of people exploring and enjoying the beach in the style of Nick Holly (the Welsh Lowry) or in a style of your choice. It can be created using any material of your choice. 

 3 Cliffs bay - Nick Holly 

 November Swansea Bay - Ron Banning 

8th January 2024

Self portraits 

Look at Frida Kahlo's self-portraits below. 

Frida is known for her colourful self-portraits which often had animals in them. Animals held a significant place in Kahlo's heart and they were often used to symbolize her life and struggles. For example, the hummingbird necklace in one of the portraits below is said to reflect her Mexican heritage. 

Can you create a self-portrait using any media you wish, carefully incorporating elements that reflect you and your personality in the background. 



The Blitz - WAAC

The German Air Force, the Luftwaffe, conducted aerial raids against Britain between May 1940 and the early part of 1945. The most intense period, known as the Blitz, came between May 1940 and September 1941. Though the Blitz saw towns and cities across Britain subjected to bombing raids by the Luftwaffe, London received the heaviest and most sustained assault, with 57 consecutive night raids.

The War Artists’ Advisory Committee was set up in 1939 to compile a documentary record of the war. As the bombs rained down on the capital, the WAAC and its artists were eager to get to work documenting the scenes that played out night after night. Some of the WAAC artists even served in the Auxiliary Fire Service - their understanding of the work evident in their art.

Using the image below for inspiration, can you create a piece of art reflecting Swansea during the Blitz. Choose a familiar location, such as Castle Gardens and create an aerial view of what it might have looked liked after being bombed. You can create it any way you wish! This could  be pencils, water colour, paint, collage, etc 

This piece of art was created by Ernest Boye Uden in 1941


Achieving, Building, Celebrating
