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Cila Primary School

Ysgol Gynradd Cila

Language, Literacy &Communication

Friday 21st April 

Explanation texts

In class we have been learning about the features of explanation texts, and practising writing our own imaginative texts linked to natural disasters. 

Can you create an explanation text about how the water cycle works? Don't forget to use labelled diagrams, technical vocabulary, a formal tone and avoid the use of imperatives at the start of a sentence as this gives an instruction, rather than explaining. 

You can present this work any way you wish. 

Click on the water droplet below for some helpful information about the water cycle.

Friday 3rd March

Click on the link below or log in to Flip (on Hwb) to access a new challenge linked to advertising and persuasive writing. 

Present your findings on Flip - good luck! 


Friday 10th February

Romeo and Juliet 

Create a poster/front cover for the play Romeo and Juliet. 

Think about the key characters, key themes and quotes.

You can present it anyway you wish - be creative!   

"Never was a story of more woe than this of Juliet and her Romeo"

9th September 2022

We have been all saddened by the passing of Queen Elizabeth and have watched a Newsround report today to learn more about her life. We discussed the difference that she made to our country and lives. We also discussed the changes that will need to be made, for example, the money we use, stamps and post boxes. 

One of the pupils suggested writing a letter/card to the Royal family to express our gratitude for the Queen's unconditional service and devotion to her country, and to express our condolences, which I thought was a beautiful idea. 

Can you write a letter or make a card for us to send together as a class? 

Think carefully about what you would like to include in the letter/card. 

  • You could list some of her achievements, such as the length of her reign. 
  • You could include some images of her through her reign 
  • You could mention her strength, resilience and courage in the face of many adversities over the years 

You can present your letter or card any way you feel appropriate - good luck! 


Achieving, Building, Celebrating
