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Cila Primary School

Ysgol Gynradd Cila

Maths Workshops for Nursery Parents

We would like to invite our Nursery parents to take part in an innovative initiative run by Multiply Swansea Numeracy, from Swansea University. This project is specifically designed to empower parents to actively support their children's numeracy skills during the critical transition from nursery to reception. 

The project centres on cultivating a positive relationship with mathematics through engaging and playful activities. The family learning workshops will start on Tuesday 4th June at 10.45am-12.15pm and will run each Tuesday, for 4 weeks at Cilâ Primary School. They are designed to create enjoyable shared experiences for parents and children. The last half an hour of each session will involve both you and your child. These workshops will align broadly with Progression Step 1 for Mathematics and Numeracy. If any of our Nursery parents are interested in attending these workshops, please can you register your interest in the school office by Friday 10th May.

Achieving, Building, Celebrating
