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Cila Primary School

Ysgol Gynradd Cila

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  • Theatr na nÓg

    Wed 08 Jul 2020

    Theatr na nÓg have kindly shared a third production with us for KS2 pupils to watch.  This week its from their show 'Eye of the Storm' the story of Emmie who is torn between following her dreams of being a scientist and caring for her mother.

    "A theatrical event of courage, determination and compassion, guaranteed to enthral and inspire young people and their families"

    “when clouds fill up the sky and the rain falls on you…I won’t mind, at least I feel alive"

    "A musical play which will seize your heart and capture your mind"

    Set in the Welsh valleys to a country folk sound track, Emmie must decide between pursuing her passion for science and fascination with tornados, and her duty as a young carer devoted to her mother. With a bursary to study in America up for grabs Emmie must fight to keep her place on her course and win the STEM competition with her invention for renewable energy.

    Click on the link to watch it.

Achieving, Building, Celebrating
