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Cila Primary School

Ysgol Gynradd Cila

Class resources

Ratio problem solving - Tuesday 20th June

Monday 15th May 

8:50am - 9:10am - Spelling Shed

9:10am - 9:40am - Reading Eggs assignment

(Monday readers can be listened to whilst the pupils are working on Spelling shed and Reading Eggs - thank you!)

9:40am - Numeracy - time groups please

Group 1 - digital time (L.O. To begin to translate analogue to digital time)  

Do not print worksheets - pupils use chromebooks to complete task in their maths books. They can write the time in analogue and then write the matching digital time next to it. 

For the matching worksheet, they can write the analogue times down one side of the page, and the digital times on the opposite side before drawing lines to match. 

Using the Topmarks teaching clock, can you complete the worksheets below to consolidate your knowledge of digital time. Put the time of the analogue clock on to the clock on Topmarks, then click on the digital button to transfer the time to digital. Use this to support your work, but see how many questions you can complete independently and use the clock to self-check. 

Group 2 - Time intervals (L.O. To calculate intervals of time) 

Click on the clock link below for your questions

Please write the questions and show your workings out if necessary



10:30am - Amser chwarae 


11am - Instruction writing

How to annoy your parents/TAs/teachers (L.O. To display understanding of features associated with instruction writing)

Write an imaginative step-by-step guide on how to annoy (one of the above)

Revise the key features of instruction writing as a class. 

Generate some ideas together as to how you could potentially annoy one of the above - remember that this is just imaginative! 

Present your instruction text on a page in your literacy book. Remember to include images! 


12pm - Amser cinio

1pm - 2:45pm - Research aerodynamics using the following websites below: 


Present your findings in an information text - please remember to use diagrams and key terminology. 

L.O. To begin to understand the basic principles of aerodynamics - remember to include diagrams and fact boxes

If you complete your information text, please can you create a design for your own 'moving vehicle'. What have you learned about air resistance? What shape do you think the front of the vehicle should be? Thick carefully about the resources that could be used to create your actual design. (L.O. To design a moving vehicle and label parts)

Think carefully about the size and weight of the vehicle - how does the weight of the vehicle affect acceleration? Complete both tasks in your Science and Technology books please. 

2:45pm - share findings with class (and any designs) What did you find out about aerodynamics? 

3pm - Amser Tacluso

3:10pm - Pupils line up by the main entrance to be dismissed. Pupils being collected line up first and pupils walking home line up at the back. Walkers are to be dismissed at 3:20pm. 



Tectonic plates 

Click on the Earth below for resources about tectonic plates 


Friday 28th April 

Morning! Here is your timetable for this morning: 

Celebration assembly @ 9am

Practise spelling words - words will be released by 10am. I will let Mrs Jefferies know when I have released them. 
Aquatic biomes - create an online presentation about Aquatic biomes. Answer the following questions: 

What aquatic biomes are there? 
What is the climate like in each aquatic biome? 
Name some of the animal life in each aquatic biome. 
Name some of the plant life in each aquatic biome. 
Give an example of a food chain in one/some of the aquatic biomes. 

Does the process of photosynthesis occur underwater? 
What are the concerns about the stability of aquatic biomes? I.e how are humans affecting the water around Britain and the rest of the world? 
Present it on any online media you choose. Think carefully about layout, images and please don’t copy and paste!!!

The water cycle and photosynthesis 





Click on the link below to access a BBC Bitesize webpage about Biomes. 

Click on the link below to research our beautiful planet


World biomes map

Mean, median, mode and range with decimals

Mean, median, mode and range

Monday 13th February

Click on the image below to access resources for the circulatory system 

Monday 6th February 

Click on the link below to access the National Geographic webpage about the human brain 

Thursday 2nd February

Inspirational figure research  

Create an online presentation about an inspirational figure that you are personally inspired by. 


Remember to include: 

Personal details about the person (d.o.b, history of life, etc)

How did they come to achieve their success? What hurdles did they have to overcome? (If any)

How do they inspire people? 

Do they have any famous quotes? 

What do they inspire you to become/do?

Don't forget to include images and consider the layout and presentation carefully. 

Remember to read and summarise - you have to present this to the class, so make sure you know your own work! 

Thursday 2nd February

Please click on the link below to access the link for the BBC resource - characters in Romeo and Juliet 

L.O. To use rhetorical devices to describe key character traits

Monday 30th January

Click on the link below to access the resources for our work on 'Romeo and Juliet' by William Shakespeare. 

Thursday 26th January 

  • Spelling shed
  • Finishing off whilst Mrs Rees listens to readers 
  • Numeracy - Angles in a triangle. L.O. To identify missing angles in a triangle
  • Consolidate learning from previous lesson. Complete the task in the documents below. Please draw the triangles and label appropriately. Please show your workings out. 

        Amser Chwarae 

  • LLC - A Midsummer Night's Dream. Revise features of a Cinquain. 
  • Title - A Midsummer Night's Dream
  • L.O. To begin to understand the features of a Cinquain poem 
  • 5 unrhymed lines
  • 1st and last lines have two syllables
  • 2nd line = 4 syllables
  • 3rd line = 6 syllables
  • 4th line  = 8 syllables
  • It tells a story 
  • Usually has an action and a feeling and has a conclusion.
  • As a class, choose a character from A Midsummer Night's Dream to write a Cinquain about. 
  • Mindmap their story (briefly) and tryt o write a whole class Cinquain. Copy it into your books and draw a picture to accompany it. If you have time, choose a different character and write a Cinquain about them. 

       Amser Cinio 

  • P.E. 
  • Finish off tasks and tidy classroom before going home 


17th January 2023

Click on the link below to access the BBC website linked to shapes and their classification 

11th January 2023

Click on the skull images below for useful information about William Shakespeare. 



Monday 9th January 2023

Please click on the link below to access our new Padlet EPIC planning for the Spring Term. 


Tuesday 6th December 

Click on the image below to access the BBC Bitesize webpage on Sustainability. 

Tuesday 8th November 

Click on the image below to access the BBC Bitesize webpage about WW1. 

Can you create an information text/poster/presentation about WW1, including the following:

How did WW1 start? 

Names of key leaders

Fun facts/statistics 

Life in the trenches (think about the hazards we discussed in class yesterday)

Gender roles in WW1

Any other topics that interest you 




Tuesday 18th October 

Welsh black miners 

Click on the images below to access a news article and a BBC video about the forgotten Welsh black miners. 


Wednesday 11th October 

Vlad the Impaler 

Click the images below to access further reading material about Vlad the Impaler. 


Wednesday 5th October

Genghis Khan research 

Click on the images below to access safe websites for research 





The rise and fall of the Mongol Empire

Tuesday 4th October

Morning tasks - see whiteboard and planner 


Numeracy - ordering decimals 

Select your level of challenge from below. Title and L.O. are on the top of the challenge you choose to tackle. 


Literacy - description 

Inference and description 

L.O. To make inferences and generate description using rhetorical devices

Generate adjectives to describe image - make a mindmap around the image

Use the adjectives to support your creation of similes and metaphors. Use your examples from last week to support. 


Humanities - Democracy and Government 

L.O. To begin to show an understanding of the types of leadership 

Watch videos in the links below and read the information alongside. 

Begin to create an information text about leadership, including the following 

What is democracy?

What is a dictator/dictatorship? 

What is a monarchy? 

Can you give examples of any of the leadership styles? 


Remember to include illustrations, headings and creative presentation! 


Click on the images below to access resources to support this task. 




Tuesday 20th September 2022

Morning tasks


Complete any outstanding tasks from last week

Numeracy - Addition and subtraction problem solving 

Title - Addition and subtraction problem solving 

L.O. - To use written methods to solve calculations 



Read the information in the powerpoint and reading comprehension about King Arthur.

Summarise the information you read into a mindmap in your Humanities book

Title - King Arthur

L.O. - To read and summarise key information 


Next, transfer your knowledge to create a comic strip recount about King Arthur. Think carefully about the features of recount and discuss it with Mrs Rees as a class before you begin. You will also have to think about the features of comic strips. 


Afternoon tasks

King Arthur portraits. Use pencil to draw and shade after watching the tutorial below. 

Complete self-portraits using water colour. 

Complete comics

How to draw a face

EPIC planning 

Look how far we've come! 


Click on the link  below to access our new padlet for our EPIC Planning this term 


Achieving, Building, Celebrating
