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Cila Primary School

Ysgol Gynradd Cila

Homework 17.6.22

Dear parents/guardians,

It was lovely to see so many of you in school on Wednesday for Sports Day. It was a great day and the children did a brilliant job, thank you all for coming to watch. This week the children have been busy making Father’s Day cards and medals. We have been lucky enough to have an exciting workshop from ‘2B  The Bumbles of Honeywood’ where the children learned lots of interesting things about bees and honey and how important it is to work as part of a team.


In class we have been discussing how everybody is different and how this makes us special. 

Please talk with your family and think of ways that you are the same/different you can discuss:

  • Likes and dislikes
  • Appearance 
  • Things you find difficult/easy
  • Talents 


Please can your child create a self portrait of themselves to show the class, you can paint, chalk, colour or use J2e to create them, whichever you prefer! 


Have a lovely weekend! 

Miss Francis 


Achieving, Building, Celebrating
