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Cila Primary School

Ysgol Gynradd Cila

Maths and Numeracy

Mathematics and Numeracy

Links with Children’s Rights

Maths enables children to develop their skills (Article 29) and so enables them to experience their rights related to survival and health (Articles 6, 24, 27) and develop their to ability to participate by making decisions and informed opinions (Articles 12, 13, 17)


The development of mathematics has always gone hand in hand with the development of civilisation itself. A truly international discipline, it surrounds us and underpins so many aspects of our daily lives, such as architecture, art, music, money and engineering. And while it is creative and beautiful, both in its own right and in its applications, it is also essential for progress in other areas of learning and experience.


What is more, numeracy – the application of mathematics to solve problems in real-world contexts – plays a critical part in our everyday lives, and in the economic health of the nation. It is imperative, therefore, that mathematics and numeracy experiences are as engaging, exciting and accessible as possible for learners, and that these experiences are geared towards ensuring that learners develop mathematical resilience.


In the early years, play forms an important part in the development of mathematics and numeracy, enabling our learners to solve problems, explore ideas, establish connections and collaborate with others.


In later years, learners have opportunities to work both independently and collaboratively to build on the foundations established in the early years.


For learners of all ages, real-life examples drawn from the local, national and international environment help them make connections between the concrete and the abstract.


Real-life contexts are used to introduce and explore mathematical concepts, as well as to consolidate them. Teaching introduces a reasoning and problem-solving approach to all mathematics and numeracy experiences to support the development both of positive dispositions and of the four purposes of the curriculum, as well as the development of the mathematical proficiencies.


What Matters in Mathematics and Numeracy


  • The number system is used to represent and compare relationships between numbers and quantities.
  • Algebra uses symbol systems to express the structure of mathematical relationships.
  • Geometry focuses on relationships involving shape, space and position, and measurement focuses on quantifying phenomena in the physical world.
  • Statistics represent data, probability models chance, and both support informed inferences and decisions.


What matters in this Area has been expressed in four statements which support and complement one another and should not be viewed in isolation. Together they contribute to realising the four purposes of the curriculum.


Progression in Mathematics and Numeracy


In the Mathematics and Numeracy Area of Learning and Experience, the model of progression is based on the development of five interdependent proficiencies, outlined below. This model of progression can be considered as both longitudinal and cross-sectional. To ensure progress in any mathematics learning, proficiencies should be developed and connected in time and should also develop over time.


  • Conceptual understanding
  • Communication using symbols
  • Fluency
  • Logical reasoning
  • Strategic competence


Learning in Mathematics and Numeracy in Cila includes for example:


  • Mathematics lessons
  • Numeracy links in tasks
  • Numeracy intervention for identified pupils
  • Chilli Challenges within lessons
  • TTRS (Times Tables Rock Stars) and Abacus Maths. Both online platforms
  • Concrete to visual to abstract approach
  • Numicon Maths
  • Financial Education
  • Entrepreneurial projects
  • Digital Maths Resource Area – Shared on the school website



Achieving, Building, Celebrating
