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Cila Primary School

Ysgol Gynradd Cila

Homework 10.3.22

Dear Parents/Guardians,

The children have been amazing this week learning to tell the time using a digital and analogue clock. We had completed our EPIC planning (Everyone Plans in Class), the children have come up with some interesting questions to guide our learning this half term. We have started looking at underwater creatures and thinking about how some animals have adaptations to help them to survive underwater. We enjoyed listening to 'Billy's Bucket' and thought about what we might like in our buckets. Our literacy focus this half term is persuasion.  For homework please can you choose two of the  persuasion task cards attached and think of 3 reasons to persuade someone that your opinion is right. 

This is an example we did as a whole class: 

Camping is better than staying in a hotel. 

Yes I think that camping is better than staying in a hotel because.... 

1. You get to see the beautiful stars in the sky. 

2. Everyone gets fresh air which is good for you. 

3. You can roast marshmallows on a fire- they are really tasty. 


No I think a hotel is better than camping because... 

1. It's way too cold to stay in a tent everyone would be freezing and sad. 

2. Hotels are better than tents because you can have room service and the beds are super comfy. 

3. There are lots of animals outside and maybe they might steal all your food and be too noisy. 


Have a great weekend, 

Miss Francis 


Achieving, Building, Celebrating
