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Ysgol Gynradd Cila

Changes to work Place Recycling

Welsh Government - Changes to Work Place Recycling


The new recycling law applies to all workplaces in Wales. The new law came into effect on 6 April 2024. It means all workplaces such as businesses, public sector and charities now need to separate their recyclable materials in the same way most households already do.

Wales is currently third in the world when it comes to recycling waste from households. The recycling rate of waste material collected by our local authorities is currently at just over 65% and helps save around 400,000 tonnes of carbon emissions each year. The aim is to build on the success of household recycling and ensure high recycling rates across workplaces too. The benefits of increasing recycling are that it:

  • increases the amount and quality of recycling that can then be used by Welsh manufacturers
  • supports workplaces to reduce their waste
  • reduces carbon emissions
  • helps the economy to create a greener Wales

In Cilâ we have been recycling for many years, however to support us in our recycling journey we kindly ask for children who have a lunch box to take their rubbish home as we do not have the facilities or resources to wash out all containers and cartons of varying materials during the lunchtime, and do not want to encourage the children to place their dirty materials into black bags when they can be cleaned at home and recycled. We thank you in advance for your understanding and support.

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