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Cila Primary School

Ysgol Gynradd Cila

Cila Community Kindness

Our Challenge Week this half term is to show kindness to our community. We have decided to show our kindness to each other, and to those that are without a home in Swansea. Being homeless must be difficult throughout the year, but winter poses extra obstacles and challenges.


Our pupils have been busy writing letters to shops across Swansea to ask them to donate a range of items that can be gifted to homeless people at Christmas time. Pupils will be packing donated items into bags and sending them to the charities Matthew's House and The Wallich

If you would like to show your kindness too, by donating some of the items from the list below to this fantastic cause, please send them into school by Friday 8th December. 

Thank you so much for your support! 

From everyone at Cilâ


Click on the link to learn more about our kindness project and see a list of  items that you may like to donate. Diolch!

Achieving, Building, Celebrating
