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Cila Primary School

Ysgol Gynradd Cila

Increase in Norovirus Cases in Swansea

Norovirus Cases involving diarrhoea and vomiting have increased in recent weeks in Swansea, particularly in schools and nurseries. These are often caused by norovirus, a self-limiting but unpleasant infection. Norovirus infections are usually common at this time of year can spread easily, especially in settings such as schools and nurseries. Anyone with symptoms of diarrhoea and vomiting should stay at home and not attend school or nursery settings until 48 hours after symptoms have resolved. If a child is symptomatic, the advice to parents is to:-

 • If your child vomits or has diarrhoea or is feeling genuinely sick do not send them to school.

• They should then not return to school until 48 hours (2 days) after their last symptom, for example if the last time they vomited was Tuesday 8.00pm they can come back to school on Friday. This is because you can still excrete and pass on the virus to other people even though you may feel better.


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