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Cila Primary School

Ysgol Gynradd Cila

Pre-school immunisations uptake

We have been kindly asked to share this information with parents from Bay Health Cluster lead Dr Nicola Jones regarding Pre-school immunisation update.

She writes...........

I am writing to you as the Cluster Lead for Bay Health Cluster. Primary Care in Wales is grouped into clusters, in a similar fashion to Primary Education. We are in the Bay Health Cluster which covers West Swansea from Gower to Uplands.


One of our current priorities is to increase the uptake of the pre-school immunisations in our population, whilst the uptake is not at an all-time low at 89% we would like it to be 95% in order to provide the maximum protection for everyone in our community. I am asking for your help in promoting the need for pre-school booster vaccines in your nursery and foundation classes.

I would be very grateful if you would be able to encourage them to contact their GP practice to book an appointment for their child with the practice nurse. Even if children have missed the appropriate time for their vaccine they can still book with their practice nurse to receive it, it’s never too late.


I have attached a link to a booklet which covers all aspects of immunisations for children aged 2-5.  It’s quite long, so I have also attached a link for the NHS childhood vaccination schedule which is easier to digest. Please feel free to direct them to our Facebook page, for more information.


I would be very grateful for your help with this vital public health matter.


Yours Faithfully,


Dr Nikki Jones

Bay Health Cluster Lead

Gower Medical Practice

Achieving, Building, Celebrating
